Monday, June 25, 2007

We arrived back on Saturday night...

We arrived back on Saturday night, June 23, at 8:55 p.m., safe and well, thanks to the Lord.

Sunday morning we presented our trip to the church and it seemed to be a blessing to those who were there. We sang a few songs, gave testimonies, and showed a video that gave an overview of the trip.

It's Monday and probably most of us are still tired but we'll catch up on our sleep this week. Our trip reunion is scheduled for Saturday night, July 7th. That will be a fun night for everyone as we review the trip by watching more video and looking at pictures.

We had hoped to post more pictures and video but we were so remote we were not able to get an internet connection even through a cell phone.

Thank you all for praying for us.


Liz said...

tired is an understatement...i'm half dead!!! Miss you already and Love all of you...counting the days until the reunion!

Wyoming 2007 said...

Honestly, I miss it already. I'm ready to go back.
Mr. B

Liz said...

what r u doing next week everyone? I'm sure they could find something for us to do!!!

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